As you know, the North American Membership Initiative was launched this year with the goal of growing membership in North America. We expect to achieve that goal by creating new Lions clubs, adding new members to our established clubs, and by motivating our existing membership with exciting new fellowship and service. Unfortunately, the Pandemic gave us some unique challenges to service, as well as to recruiting and retaining our membership. It also provided challenges to the ongoing education of our members that is offered across the State and within our Districts.
To help our Districts, zones, and clubs, we have created a “Membership Toolbox” that will include tools, presentations, and other resource material for our members to use that can help them accomplish their service and membership goals. We know that local restrictions and our own personal concerns have created many obstacles, but we are confident that there remain many ways for Lions to continue serving others and increase the number of Lions in our Districts. We just need to be more creative.
Please feel free to access and use these tools for club, zone, and District meetings. The presentations are designed to be 20-30 minutes in length and provide a sufficient overview for each of the topics. Each presentation can be updated if you want to add something that will personalize it to your audience. Please contact your Global Action Team if you have ideas or suggestions on future content – and check back often for additions or updates to the Toolbox.
Introduction to New Club Extension ~ September 10, 2022