District 2-T1 – SVDG Chris Rogers District 2-T2 – IPDG Ron Miller District 2-T3 – Lion Brian Carter District 2-E1 – PDG Christina Schoonover District 2-E2 – IPDG Stan Hall District 2-X1 – PDG Vinod Mathur District 2-X2 – IPDG Sheila Donnelly District 2-X3 – PCC Ray Harper
South Region GMA Champion
IPDG David Splitek
District 2-A1 – PDG Keith Perrine District 2-A2 – PDG David Splitek District 2-A3 – PDG David Christopher District 2-S1 – PDG Chris Gunstream District 2-S2 – PDG Mark Roth District 2-S3 – PDG Larkin Smith District 2-S4 – PDG Jeanie Cobb District 2-S5 – PDG Ron Gay
GMA is a focused program designed to address and reverse the decline in Lions membership in Constitutional Areas 1 and 2 (CA1 and CA2).
2. 2) Who authorized GMA?
The Lions Clubs International Board of Directors authorized GMA at the October 2018
board meeting.
3. 3) Why is this program important?
Evidence of similar membership declines is appearing in other parts of the world. We need
to establish a solid plan for revitalization and growth before our organization’s ability to
serve humanity—our core mission—is fundamentally compromised.
4. 4) What are the GMA objectives?
1) Rejuvenate districts with new clubs
2) Revitalize clubs with new members
3) Remotivate members with new fellowships and exciting service.
5. 5) What is the GMA plan?
In 2019-20, nine GMA pilot districts tested the GMA processes and resources. They also
developed their own innovations to achieve membership goals. For 2020-21, all North
America districts have been invited to join the evolving program and help develop and test
best practices. We will also further develop GMA for regions/zones and clubs.
6. 6) What are the goals of GMA?
By June 2021, we expect 200 new clubs and 44,000 new members in CA1, and 20 new
clubs and 5,000 new members in CA2. The goals for June 2023 are 315,000 total members
in CA1 and 38,000 total members in CA2.
7. 7) Who is leading the initiative?
The initiative is being led by International Vice Presidents Doug Alexander, Brian Sheehan
and Patti Hill, alongside a Steering Committee of Lion leaders with proven skills in club and
membership growth.
8. 8) How is GMA funded?
GMA is being funded with existing operational budgets.
9. 9) Where can I find more information about the GMA process, resources and results?
All GMA information is published online at lionsclubs.org/gma.
10. 10) How are GMA pilot districts selected?
The Steering Committee selects pilot districts based on membership trends, key
demographics and leadership team commitment to be the vanguard of this vital initiative.
11. 11) What languages are GMA materials available in?
Because GMA is still evolving, all GMA communications and materials are currently in
English. We are still learning what works and incorporating what we learn into our process
and resources. We understand, however, that enterprising Lions are already translating key
materials into additional languages.
12. 12) What happens after a district decides to participate?
Leaders from each district meet to build a team, develop their own goals and a plan for
achieving them.
13. 13) Who leads the initiative in GMA districts?
Part of building a GMA team is identifying a GMA Champion, a district leader promotes
and manages the initiative, fosters execution and reports results. The Champion works
side-by-side with the district governor team, GAT coordinators, region/zone chairpersons,
and other district leaders on plan development, implementation and accountability.
14. 14) What are the roles and responsibilities of council chairpersons with GMA districts?
Council chairpersons review the GMA goals and plans of their districts and demonstrate
their support of the initiative and its leaders. They should allocate time at each of their
council meetings for GMA progress updates, next steps, idea sharing and issue resolution.
15. 15) What are the roles and responsibilities of district governor teams in GMA districts?
District governor teams are directly involved in planning, promoting and supporting GMA
activities throughout their districts. Individual roles are identified during the team building
process within each district.
16. 16) How is the Global Action Team (GAT) involved?
The GAT volunteer structure serves as the primary communication and support channel for
GMA processes and resources. For example, GAT Area leaders will provide webinars to
share GMA processes and resources with GAT MD leaders, DG teams and district GAT
coordinators. GAT MD leaders will also review GMA district goals and plans, so they can
assist districts with implementation and accountability.
17. 17) How are clubs of GMA districts involved?
Clubs are the foundation of GMA success and each district should engage their clubs in
GMA projects throughout the year, including leadership development, club marketing and
welcoming new members into their clubs.
18. 18) What funding is available for GMA districts?
Districts will use existing LCI and LCIF grants as well as district funds to implement their
GMA plans.
MD2 GMA Champion Statement
GMA is an opportunity for each of us, as Lions, to play a role in growing our association and leading us to the future. It’s an opportunity to reverse the decline in our membership.
GMA gives us the tools to do this by emphasizing teamwork, goal setting, planning by rejuvenating our districts with new clubs, re-energizing and revitalizing existing clubs with new members, and encouraging our members to engage in more meaningful service, fellowship and fun. And it all starts with clubs where we will improve the overall membership experience.
GMA is our opportunity to lead our legacy into the future.
Global Membership Approach (GMA)
GMA brings fresh thinking and bold action to maximize our membership, so we can maximize our service to the world.
CONTINENTAL AREAS 1 AND 2 Each stage of the GMA Process is described below. Click here for supporting documents.
The GMA Process is aligned with the Lions Clubs International district strategic plans for 2022-23 All districts, whether they are participating in GMA or not, will enter their goals and plans in the same way.