
Bill Smothermon (2-X1)

Each year the Coppell Lions have a pancake breakfast. This year we invited our Leos to come and join in the fun, and they did a wonderful job, especially at teaching us about membership. One of our Leos was helping with griddle and started designing shapes for her pancakes, pretty soon she got another Leo to join her in the designing and before you know it 5 Leos were having a great time making special pancakes. Watching all of this going on was a member of the TV crew from the High School, who not only joined in the fun but decided to join the Leos.

Our Leos gained a new member because while they were serving they were having fun and they ASKED someone to join them in having fun and serving.

A speaker wraps up his program at a local Lions Club, the members are impressed with what he had to say and ask some great questions. Thanking the speaker, the Club President gives the speaker a special pen from the Club and tells the speaker the first thing he should use it for is to sign his membership application and join the Lions Club. The speaker joined the Club and was the driving force behind one of the Club’s most successful fund raisers.

Retirement was looking a little boring to Gloria; she had been so busy through the years taking care of family and career that she just didn’t have the time to do much else, and now without the demands of her career, there was a gap. She mentioned her need to find something more to do to her financial advisor who was a Lion in another city, who suggested that she visit her local Lions Club. Her advisor gave her contact information and even called the president of Gloria’s local club. That local club now has another active member helping with projects and making her community better.

How Many Lions? It just takes one, the one that asks another to join in the spirit of service and the fun and fellowship of being a Lion. We are doing great work; we are having fun; and we are making our communities stronger. Just think how much more we could do, if we Just Asked a like-minded person to join us.