For over three decades, Lions clubs around the globe have been sponsoring a very special art contest in schools and youth groups. Creating peace posters gives children everywhere the chance to express their visions of peace and inspire the world through art and creativity.
International Peace Poster Contest Coordinator
Lion Karen Murray (2-X1)
8251 Ranchview Dr #3096
Irving TX 75063
C: 979-255-8858
Theme for the Current Year
The theme of the 2022-2023 Peace Poster Contest is
“Lead with Compassion”
Eligibility and Deadlines
Students ages 11, 12 or 13 as of November 15 are eligible to participate in the International Peace Poster Contest. Entries not meeting the following deadlines will be disqualified.
- January 15: Kits go on sale from the Club Supplies Sales Department at International Headquarters.
- October 1: Deadline to purchase kits from the Club Supplies Sales Department at International Headquarters.
- November 15: Postmark deadline for a club to send one winning poster (per contest sponsored) to the district governor.
- December 1: Postmark deadline for a district governor to send one winning district poster to multiple district council chairperson.
- December 1: Postmark deadline for a district governor not belonging to a multiple district to send one winning poster to the Brand and Marketing Strategy Department at International Headquarters.
- December 1: Postmark deadline for a club not belonging to a district to send one winning entry to the Brand and Marketing Strategy Department at International Headquarters.
- December 15: Postmark deadline for the multiple district council chairperson to send one winning poster to the Brand and Marketing Strategy Department at International Headquarters.
- February 1: International winners notified on or before this date.
Click HERE For More Information
2021-2021 Peace Poster Contest Winners

Other Contestants
International Essay – Theme: Peace Through Service
1st Place – District 2-S5 – Minerva Pineda-Allen – 13yr old 8th Grader from Smithville Jr HS
Sponsored by Smithville Noon Lions Club – Essay Title: “Everyday Angles”
Click HERE to read the essay.