Lions of Texas Endorse 3rd Vice President Candidate in Kerrville, Texas
The 2017-2018 Council of Governors (pictured above) voted to endorse Past International Director Brian E. Sheehan, from Bird Island, Minnesota, for the position of 3rd Vice President of Lions Club International. He will be seeking this office at the upcoming International Convention in Las Vegas in the summer of 2018. PID Sheehan also addressed the Past District Governors Association and Texas Lions in attendance at the Saturday evening banquet. His message of “T.E.A.M.”, Together Everyone Achieves More, was the focus of his speech.
PID Sheehan has over 25 years of experience in Lions at the local, district, multiple-district and international levels. He served as District Governor in 2004-2005, Council Chairman in 2005-2006, International Director at 2011-2013, Chairman of the Finance and Headquarters Operation Committee in 2012-2013, Board Appointee of the Executive Committee from 2012-2013, Member of the Long Range Planning Committee in 2012-2013, LCIF Trustee in 2014-2015, Member of the Constitution and By-Laws Committee in 2014-2015, and Lions University Coordinator in 2014-2016. He serves on various community organizations and is a successful entrepreneur and businessman. He is married to his wife, Lion Lori and they have four children.