Centennial Scrapbook
Here we will be posting interesting projects and events going on around the State of Texas during our Centennial Year. Kick back and enjoy some of these great stories and legacy projects being dedicated this year!

Plano Evening Lions Dedicate Legacy Project to Community

The Plano Evening Lions Club celebrated their Centennial Community Legacy Project Phase 1 on Wednesday, December 21, 2016. The Project was Dedicated by the Plano Parks Manager Ron Smith and the Superintendent of Plano Parks Doug Green. The first Dedication was done at Haggard Park near old downtown Plano. This Park was sponsored by the Plano Lions Clubs in the early 1920’s (Plaque picture attached). This Dedication celebrates the Plano Evening Lions Club’s continuing commitment to the City of Plano.

The second Dedication was done at the Jack Carter Dog Park on the Blue Ridge Trail in Northwest Plano. This Dedication celebrates the memory of Past Club President Warren Veach and his canine companion “Raphael”. Both Donations from the Club were for Pet Convenience Waste Stations that were greatly needed by the City of Plano in both parks.

The Dedication Services were led by Plano Evening Lions Club President William Nelson. District 2-X1 Governor Bill Smothermon gave a wonderful address on Lions Centennial Legacy Projects. The Centennial Coordinator for District 2-X1, Vinod Mathur was in attendance in support of our Club. Plano Evening Lions Club Members in attendance were PDG Carolyn Dorman who is the MD-2 Centennial Coordinator, Lion Carlton Dorman, Lion President William Nelson, Lion Tail Twister Malika Virani, Lion Theresa St.-Gil, and Lion Secretary/Treasurer and District 2-X1 Cabinet Secretary Billy Ketner. Mizuki Nelson, Wakako Nelson, and Elizabeth St.-Gil were also in attendance. Plano Parks Manager Ron Smith and Plano Parks Superintendent Doug Green represented the City of Plano.


From the City of Plano Parks and Recreation Department

A special thanks to the Plano Evening Lion’s Club for donating pet stations at Haggard Park and the Jack Carter Dog Park. They were given to us as part of the International Lion’s Club “Centennial Legacy” project in commemoration of the Lion’s Club 100th anniversary. We are sure they will be put to good use. Thanks again to everyone involved.

Dedication of the Jack Carter Dog Park in Plano as part of the Plano Evening Lions Club Legacy Project. L to R – Ron Smith Manager of Plano Parks, PDG Carolyn Dorman MD-2 Centennial Coordinator, Lion President William Nelson, Lion Billy Ketner, Doug Green Superintendent of Plano Parks, Lion Carlton Dorman, DG Bill Smothermon, Lion Theresa St.-Gil, Lion Malika Virani, and District 2-X1Centennial Coordinator Vinod Mathur.


Dedication of Plano Evening Lions Legacy Project at Haggard Park, Plano Texas.

Plano Evening Lions Club dedication of their Legacy Project at Haggard Park in Plano, Texas. Pictured (l-r) Lion Carlton Dorman, MD-2 Centennial Coordinator PDG Carolyn Dorman, DG Bill Smothermon, Lion President William Nelson, Doug Green, Superintendent of Plano Parks, and Lion Billy Ketner.


Haggard Park Lions Dedication Plaque

Plaque at Haggard Park commemorating one of the earliest parks in the city created by the Lions Club of Plano in 1920.

Council Chair and Honored Dignitaries Dedicate Centennial Project in Ballinger

CC Lion Tom Blase and others attended the dedication of the 1st Centennial Legacy Project in Texas and took several pictures. The venue was dubbed the Ballinger Lions Club Plaza. The land was donated by PIP Ebb Grindstaff & family. The Ballinger Lions Club raised the funds to fund the work. PCC John Hancock from San Angelo Downtown Lions Club gave a brief history of the Ballinger Lions Club and PID Mike Butler did the Dedication.

Plaque denoting the newly formed Ballinger Lions Club Plaza. The plaza was part of the Centennial Project.

Plaque denoting the newly formed Ballinger Lions Club Plaza. The plaza was part of the Centennial Project.

PCC John Hancock from San Angelo Downtown Lions Club gave a brief history of the Ballinger Lions Club and PID Mike Butler, shown here, did the Dedication.

PCC John Hancock from San Angelo Downtown Lions Club gave a brief history of the Ballinger Lions Club and PID Mike Butler, shown here, did the Dedication.

Ballinger Lions and guests enjoyed the new Ballinger Lions Club Plaza dedicated for the Centennial.

Ballinger Lions and guests enjoyed the new Ballinger Lions Club Plaza dedicated for the Centennial.

The new Ballinger Lions Club Plaza, dedicated as part of the Centennial Project, features a picnic area for families.

The new Ballinger Lions Club Plaza, dedicated as part of the Centennial Project, features a picnic area for families.